Thursday, 6 September 2012

Grape seed extract - A natural facelift?

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" - Hippocrates

How often do you automatically reach for seedless grapes in the store?  You could be doing your beauty and your health a disservice.  Consumer demand has led for seedless grapes to be readily available especially for children who complain about the "pips", but at what health cost?

The seed of the red grape , along with the skin, is the most beneficial part of the grape. Full of bioflavanoids and poly phenols, one phenol of which acts as a glue to strengthen collagen and elastin in the skin

.Extensive research has shown that skin elasticity improves when red grapes with seeds are eaten regularly or grape seed extract is taken daily and is also beneficial to joints, gums , teeth and arteries all of which depend on collagen as it helps repair connective tissue.

Vanity aside. grape seed extract has been extensively studied over many years and heralded as one of natures best antioxidants, as the chemical within it, oligomeric proanthocyanidian complex has the ability to scavenge free radicals from the blood that damage DNA and lead to cell death. it is said to help prevent

Heart disease
Ageing skin
High cholesterol
Blood vessel damage
Poor vision

Give your beauty and body a boost and choose red grapes with seeds or a good quality extract from health stores and see a natural improvement in your skin and well being in just a few months.

Do not take grape seed extract if you are taking prescriptive cholesterol lowering medication. 
Always check with your health care provider before taking supplements

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